Newport Beach Rape and Sexual Assault Lawyer

We believe in sexual assault survivors. We fight to get them justice. And we support them with 100 percent empathy and confidentiality.

It can be extremely difficult to come forward about rape or sexual assault. Some survivors fear they won’t be believed. Others are confused about the assault, falsely believing they somehow ‘invited’ it. If you suffered this harrowing experience, know that you are not to blame and that you have a competent legal ally to help you fight for justice.

Libra Law Firm is a team of experienced sexual assault lawyers in Newport Beach who are wholly committed to assisting victims. We help survivors of sex crimes get the compensation they deserve for the assault they suffered and its impact on their lives.

Speak with one of our rape attorneys in a confidential and free consultation. Call Libra Law Firm at (888) 565-3214.

What is Considered Rape or Sexual Assault in California?

Too many sexual assault victims are uncertain about their legal rights, wondering if what happened to them counts as sexual assault. In California, sexual assault or sexual battery is when an attacker touches a person’s intimate body parts without that person’s consent. It can also be a nonconsensual sexual contact, such as if the victim was made to touch their abuser’s private parts.

Rape is a specific form of sexual assault that involves nonconsensual sexual intercourse.

At the center of these definitions is the lack of consent from the victim. In many situations, the lack of consent isn’t clear-cut, leading survivors to question the incident. Remember that sexual assault is always the fault of the perpetrator, never the victim.

  • It is sexual assault even if you voluntarily went drinking with someone and they later took advantage of your inebriated state despite your wishes.
  • It is sexual assault even if you could not say “no” because you were drugged or unconscious.
  • It is sexual assault if the attacker threatens you into compliance, coerces you into agreeing, or deceives you into a vulnerable situation.
  • Rape can still occur between spouses or intimate partners.
  • Men, women, and children can be victims of sexual assault.

Reach out to us at Libra Law Firm to get sound legal guidance. Our sexual assault attorney in California recognizes the many ways sex crimes can occur and can advise you on your legal options. Your information is kept private from the moment you consult with us, and our team will support you with considerate treatment.

Filing a Sexual Assault Civil Lawsuit in California

Sexual assault can be both a criminal and a civil matter. A criminal case may be filed by the state after a victim reports the crime, with the intent of punishing the perpetrator. Meanwhile, a civil case may be filed by the victim against the attacker to obtain compensation for the victim’s losses and suffering.

A successful civil lawsuit on sexual assault may monetarily compensate the claimant for the following and more:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical bills and rehabilitation expenses
  • Mental health costs
  • Lost wages related to the assault
  • Psychological injury, emotional distress, or mental anguish
  • Reduced enjoyment of life.

While no amount of money can turn back time and undo the sexual assault, financial compensation can greatly help a survivor move forward with their life. For example, it can allow them to get the best possible mental health therapy so they can break free from the trauma.

Libra Law Firm represents rape and sexual assault survivors in civil lawsuits. We are experienced in obtaining maximum compensation, taking into account the emotional, psychological, and physical impacts of sexual assault on each victim’s life.

Regardless of how the criminal case turns out, we can help a survivor pursue their civil claim towards favorable results. Even if the criminal charges are dismissed, or the attacker is acquitted of the crime, it may still be possible to win in civil court. To know your available legal remedies, get in touch with our sexual assault lawyer (California).

Can an Organization Be Held Accountable for Sexual Assault?

Many sexual assault cases occur not in dark alleyways but in places we consider “safe” such as workplaces and schools. For instance:

  • The National Sexual Violence Resource Center reports that seven million women and three million men in the US have experienced sexual violence from a workplace perpetrator.
  • In addition, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network found that eight percent of sexual assault occurs on school property.
  • A separate 2019 analysis found that since 1999, more than 3,100 doctors in the US have allegedly committed sexual infractions. More than 2,400 of those involved patients.

If an institution failed to prevent rape or sexual assault despite having reason to be aware of it, that organization could also be held accountable. If they tried to cover up the assault, they may be liable to pay a greater sum to the victim.

Employers have the duty to protect their employees and customers who complain of sexual misconduct. Likewise, property owners must keep their premises reasonably safe from criminal acts. Places such as schools, gyms, apartments, and nightclubs are expected to have adequate security measures as part of their premises responsibility.

It’s valuable to explore all potential parties that enabled your sexual assault, as this can help you win more substantial compensation.

The Role of Our Newport Beach Rape Survivor Lawyer

We understand that it’s hard to take legal action for something as agonizing as rape. Besides the trauma you’ve had to endure, you may also be reluctant to face the stress associated with lawsuits. This is where our legal service can be helpful.

At Libra Law Firm, we strive to make the legal process as pain-free as possible for you. As our sexual abuse lawyers fight aggressively to make your assailant pay, we make sure to treat you with family-like kindness. We’ll explain your legal options clearly and considerately. We’ll respond to your calls right away.

We’ll be by your side every step of the way so that you feel empowered instead of scared in pursuing the justice you deserve.

Is There a Time Limit for Filing a Rape Claim in California?

You should never feel rushed when considering a civil lawsuit on sexual assault. Be aware, however, of these statutes of limitations (time limits) for filing sexual assault civil claims in California:

  • If you were at least 18 years old when the assault occurred, you may file suit within 10 years of the assault.
  • If you didn’t know you were assaulted or raped, and only later discovered it, your window of time to sue is three years from the date of your discovery.
  • If you survived childhood sexual abuse, you have until your 40th birthday to file a lawsuit against your abuser.
  • If you found out belatedly that you were sexually assaulted as a child, you may file suit within five years of the date you discovered it.

Certain factors may shorten or extend these time limits in California. Whether your assault occurred recently or years ago, please don’t hesitate to speak with us at Libra Law Firm to learn your legal pathways to justice.

Contact Our Newport Beach Rape Victim Attorney

In Southern California, Libra Law Firm has earned the trust of sexual assault survivors. Our legal service is two-fold, tenaciously advocating for your best possible compensation while supporting you with family-like compassion. Your consultation with us is free and confidential. Call Libra Law Firm at (888) 565-3214 today.

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