Newport Beach Date Rape/Roofied Victim Lawyer

If you believe you are a victim of date rape or have been drugged and then sexually assaulted, listen to your gut and take action. See a doctor immediately, and consult a sexual assault lawyer to see your legal options.

In Newport Beach, the attorneys at Libra Law Firm are highly trusted in sexual assault cases. We assist and represent victims of sexual crimes, helping them achieve justice by pursuing compensation and holding their perpetrators accountable. We are aggressive in our legal advocacy while providing sensitive and sympathetic treatment of our clients.

Reach out to Libra Law if you need a date rape attorney who will aggressively fight for you while treating you with family-like kindness. Contact us at (888) 565-3214.

Fighting the Uncertainty After Getting Date Raped

It’s unfortunately common for date rape victims to have doubts after their distressing experience. For instance:

  • Drugged victims often have little to no memory of the previous several hours, leading them to second-guess their own account of what happened.
  • Victims may question their own actions if they had voluntarily gone out with someone they trusted, such as a romantic partner, a colleague, or an acquaintance.
  • Many sexual assault survivors do not immediately recognize that what happened to them was an act of sexual assault. They may not be aware of their legal rights.
  • With vague recollections and very little evidence, victims may worry that nobody would believe their account.

If you’re plagued by doubts like these despite symptoms of being drugged, it’s wise to consult a trusted professional. Medical attention should be the first priority to treat the effects of the substance in your body and potentially to identify exactly which substance it is.

It’s also important to speak with a sexual assault attorney, as there may be legal pathways available to get you compensated. Even if you’re uncertain about what happened, talk to us at Libra Law. Our date rape lawyers are experienced in assessing a potential case, investigating the chain of events, and gathering evidence to build a strong claim. Your personal details are confidential with us.

Date Rape Drugs: Various Forms of “Getting Roofied”

The colloquial term “roofie” is short for Rohypnol, a brand of the sedative flunitrazepam. Note, however, that “getting roofied” or having your drink “spiked” can involve other substances outside of Rohypnol. These substances are informally called “date rape drugs” because they can impair a person’s ability to protect themselves against sexual assault.

The following are some known date rape drugs and what they do to the body:

  • Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) – As a nervous system suppressant, Rohypnol is 10 times more potent than Valium. It comes in pill form that’s soluble in liquids. Within 30 minutes of ingestion, this drug can cause changes similar to being inebriated, often leading to passing out. Most people who’ve had Rohypnol in their system will have little to no recollection of what transpired while the drug was active.
  • Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) – Usually in the form of a clear liquid, this drug is colloquially referred to as “liquid ecstasy” or “Georgia home boy.” It is a depressant that produces feelings of relaxation and euphoria. At the same time, it often causes drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting, or all of the above. When taken with other substances like alcohol, GHB can cause seizures, coma, or even death.
  • Ketamine – This drug is legally used in the US as an animal anesthetic, but many people take it as a party drug for its hypnotic-sedative effects. Besides dizziness and disorientation, a unique effect of ketamine is conscious sedation, where the person is aware of what’s happening but is unable to move. The drug can also cause amnesia that lasts a few hours.
  • Alcohol – Though technically not a drug, alcohol is an intoxicant that sexual predators commonly use to impair victims. When mixed with other substances (such as if a perpetrator spiked an alcoholic drink with drugs), alcohol can magnify the depressant qualities of other drugs, leading to the victim’s unconsciousness, and in severe cases, death.

Many other substances are used by sexual predators as date rape drugs, including ecstasy, sleeping aids, antidepressants, anti-anxiety medication, and even over-the-counter drugs.

California Sexual Assault: Why a Date Rape Civil Lawsuit May be Valuable

Rape can be both a criminal matter and a civil matter. In the criminal justice system, state prosecutors press rape charges with the goal of punishing the offender. Meanwhile, in the civil court system, a victim may file a sexual assault claim with the goal of obtaining compensation for their pain and suffering and other losses.

You can pursue a civil case regardless of what happens with the criminal proceedings. For countless sexual assault survivors, this is a helpful option.

Many criminal trials for rape sadly end unfavorably for the victims, leaving them with an even greater feeling of injustice. But civil court requires a lower burden of proof than criminal court does. Even if the criminal charges are reduced or dismissed, or the defendant is found Not Guilty in criminal court, it may still be possible to file a civil case and potentially succeed.

A successful civil claim on rape can compensate the victim for various forms of losses such as:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Related medical bills
  • Mental health costs (therapy and the like)
  • Related loss of income (for example, if the date rape led to missed work)
  • Psychological or mental injury.

Though no amount of money can undo the terrible episode of rape, monetary compensation can help a survivor take steps forward. For instance, it can be a resource for the survivor to get high-quality therapy, empowering them to heal from trauma.

Talk to us at Libra Law Firm to see what you may be entitled to. With a sensitive approach, we’ll assess the impact of sexual assault across various areas of your life, including the physical, mental, emotional, and financial. This allows us to fight for your maximum compensation and the justice you deserve.

Date Rape and Roofies: Frequently Asked Questions

How can I tell if I’ve been roofied?

Check for these signs that you’ve been roofied or drugged and assaulted:

  • You wake up disoriented and with intense hangover symptoms, though you don’t remember drinking much the previous night.
  • You cannot remember a recent period of time, especially what happened after you’ve had a drink. 
  • You wake up without clothes or with torn or stained clothes, and you don’t remember how that happened.
  • You have unexplained bruises, cuts, scrapes, or bleeding, especially after you’ve gone out on a date or to a party.
  • You have the physical sensation that you’ve just had sex but you can’t remember it.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s best to see a doctor right away.

I got roofied. Now what?

If you’ve been roofied, the very first step to take is to get medical attention. Call 911 or have a trusted person take you to the hospital. Tell the doctor or nurse that you believe you’ve been roofied so that they can conduct a date rape drug test.

To help preserve potential evidence, try not to bathe, wash your hands, brush your teeth, wash your private parts, or change your clothes. Ask the hospital for a “rape kit,” which is a sexual assault forensic exam that collects evidence for later use. You don’t have to report the crime if you’re not ready, but if you report it to the authorities later on, the rape kit evidence can help you.

If the hospital does not have qualified staff to perform the rape kit exam, call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE (4673). They will assist you confidentially.

When you’re ready, reach out to a sexual assault attorney. A legal consultation can give you a clear understanding of your rights and legal choices, which reduces much of the confusion in the aftermath of date rape. In Newport Beach, your free consultation with Libra Law Firm is completely confidential and sympathetic. Please don’t hesitate to call us at (888) 565-3214.

Is it rape if I voluntarily went out drinking?

Yes – if sexual intercourse happened to you without your consent, even if you voluntarily had social drinks, it can still count as rape. California law defines rape as nonconsensual sexual intercourse under circumstances such as the victim’s intoxication, unconsciousness, or being under duress.

Is it rape if I went out on a date with an intimate partner?

Yes, it’s possible to be raped by an intimate partner. It may be confusing to identify your boundaries if you’ve had consensual physical contact with the other person before. However, the main definition of rape remains: if you didn’t give consent to the sexual intercourse, it’s rape.

In California, date rape is rape, even if the perpetrator was someone you knew or had a relationship with. A national survey revealed that about 1.5 million women and 834,700 men in the US suffer rape or assault from their intimate partners annually. Don’t hesitate to consult a sexual abuse lawyer about this.

I got roofied. Can I sue the bar/club?

In some cases, it’s possible to sue the bar or nightclub where you got drugged. Under the legal concept of premises liability, the establishment owner is responsible for keeping patrons reasonably safe from assault. We’ll have to prove that the owner knew of the assault risks to their customers but didn’t do anything to prevent it. Consult a sexual assault lawyer to see how this might apply to your situation.

Contact a Newport Beach Date Rape Victim Attorney

Libra Law Firm has earned a trusted reputation among survivors of sexual assault, sexual abuse, and rape in Southern California. We are experienced Newport Beach attorneys handling sexual assault and abuse cases in civil court. Survivors can count on our two-fold legal service: aggressive representation to help them get compensated, and compassionate treatment to ease their stress.

Schedule a free and confidential consultation. Call Libra Law Firm at (888) 565-3214 today.

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